A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg (E.E) Q/A

a)  Describe the object that the children found in the ravine?
A.The object that the children found in the ravine was shaped like a grain of corn, with a groove down the middle, but as large as a hen's egg.
b)  How did everyone realise that the object was a grain of corn?
A. When a hen pecked at the object, then everyone realised it was a grain of corn.
 c) How was the grandfather different from his son and grandson?
A. The grandfather was different from his son and grandson as he could walk easily and without crutches: his eye was clear, his hearing good, and he spoke distinctly.
d)  Who was finally able to tell the king about how  and where the egg-sized corn grew?
A.The peasant’s grandfather was finally able to tell the king about how and where the egg-sized corn grew.  The Earth bore large sized grains in olden times and had ceased to do so now because men have ceased to live by their own labour, and have taken to depending on the labour of others. In the olden times, men lived according to God's law. They had what was their own, and coveted not what others had produced.
Q.III  Read the following lines taken from the story and answer the questions that follow.
 a) "It's a grain of corn"
 i. Who says these lines and to whom?
A.The wise men said to the king.
ii. How did they realise that the object was a grain of corn?
A.One day when the thing was lying on a window-sill, a hen flew in and pecked at it till she made a hole in it, and then everyone realised that it was a grain of corn.
b)  "I never sowed noe reaped any grain like this in my field. As to buying, I never bought any, for in my time money was not yet in use. Every one grew his own corn, and when there was any need we shared with one another. I do not know where corn like this grew"
i. Who says these lines and to whom?
A.The peasant’s father said these words to the king.
ii. Why had he never bought any corn?
A.He had never bought any corn for in his time money was not yet in use.
iii. How did people in his time get to eat corn?
A. The people in his time grew their own corn and when there was any need they shared with one another that is how they used to get to eat corn.
c) "My field was God's Earth. Wherever I ploughed, there was my field. Land was free. It was a thing no man called his own. Labour was the only thing men called their own."
 i. Who says these lines and to whom?
A.The peasant’s grandfather said to the king.
ii. Why does he refer to God's Earth as his field?
A. He referred to God’s earth as his field as land was free in his time.
iii. Explain the line"Labour was the only thing men called their own."
A. By this line the old man suggests that during those days no one owned anything. People were free to farm and grow crops wherever they wanted. Only thing that they used of their own was the labour. d)  "These things are so, because men have ceased to live by their own labour, and have taken to depending on the labour of others. In the old time, men lived according to God's law. They had what was their own, and coveted not what others had produced"
i. Who says these lines and to whom?
A.The peasant’s grandfather is the speaker of these lines.

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English Workbook (E.E)