Ubuntu- An African Concept Of Humanity

a) What was Apoorv’s aim in talking about the Africans to the class?
A.Apoorv wanted his classmates to know that Africa is much more than just jungles
and wildlife. It’s a wonderful culture with loving, caring and open-minded people.

b) Why did the people in Africa make Apoorv nervous at first?
A. The people in Africa made Apoorv nervous because they were robust and

c) What did Apoorv gain from his stay in Africa?
A.From his stay in Africa, Apoorv learnt more and more about Africans. His
experiences in South Africa gave him many opportunities to realize that we are
all children of this Mother Earth and we are equal. His stay there gave him great
confidence to socialize with all kinds of people as he also began believing in
Ubuntu like his African friends.

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